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Alba's Nursery

Alba's Nursery

When I started picking things out for the nursery, we did not know if we would be matched with a boy or a girl. I found the painting above Alba’s crib by Nikki Joiner of Cacti Society first. The color scheme was then based off of this piece. It has been so much fun adding details along the way. The shells in the glass are from the town Alba was born in. We collected them the morning of the day we met her. Small details like this are sentimental and add character unique to her.

The beautiful needlepoint was created by Jon’s Mom. Both the painting and needlepoint were custom framed at Hobby Lobby. I kept these and other wood elements in the room natural so they would not clash with the dresser. The midcentury dresser was the splurge of the room but completely worth it. It will be in our family for years to come. I linked the same and similar ones below.

We got a small letterboard to put a quote from one of my brother’s songs next to her rocking chair. And my incredibly talent cousin made the beautiful macrame rainbow. She named it “little light” rainbow. Heart melting.

I love this crib from Ikea. It is simple, clean and a steal at $80! Her bookshelves are from Ikea as well. They match well with the natural wood frames.

Her childhood journal is made specifically for adoptive children to tell their unique story. It is beautifully made by Promptly Journals. We also have the Letters To My Baby journal by Write To Me. The blue book at the bottom is an old book filled with Winnie the Pooh stories I found years ago at a second hand shop.

“It never hurts to keep looking for sunshine” - Eeyore

Love + Light, Laurie

IKEA play kitchen hack

IKEA play kitchen hack

Sun Room

Sun Room