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Hard to Kill Houseplants

Hard to Kill Houseplants

Houseplants are my favorite way to decorate a space. They add a pop of color and texture... and just make me happy. Unfortunately, my thumb isn't the greenest and I have lost one too many plant babies in my attempt to be the crazy plant lady. I have compiled a list of plants that I have found to be the easiest to take care of in our home.



I have failed my cacti on several occasions, thankfully they have been pretty forgiving. I used to believe cacti didn't really need much and I let them go way too long without giving them water. Learning how to help each cactus thrive and not just survive has been very helpful.


Snake Plant

This plant is one of my favorites because of it's clean, modern lines. Bonus- it requires very little of my attention AND it purifies the air. Snake plants can tolerate most lighting situations and you only water them when the soil has completely dried out. Just make sure the water does not get into the cupped leaves at the bottom of the plant. Learn from my mistakes, guys.



The awesome thing about the aloe plant is it's many medicinal benefits. Ours is just a little baby aloe but I have dreams of having a big outdoor one some day. Place them in a nice, sunny spot in your home.


Rubber Plant

These ficus plants do best in bright, indirect light. Our first one did not do very well because I had it hidden from the windows. Rubber plants do not appreciate dry soil so they need a bit more attention than our other plants. I am hopeful this one will stay happy for a while.


Kangaroo Paw Fern

We have a few different types of ferns in our home. I love how whimsical and airy they are while adding beautiful texture to any space. This kangaroo paw fern hangs in our living room. It does well in indirect light and can even handle partial shade. I recently read they do even better with distilled water or rainwater. Other ferns I love are the maiden hair fern, asparagus fern and the foxtail fern.


Silver Pothos

Who doesn't love a cascading plant? I decided to go for a plant I have had better luck with in the past because this corner has seen a few plant victims. Pothos plants are known for being easy indoor plants that grow pretty quickly. These silver speckled leaves give off a beautiful shimmer.


Jade Pothos

These are hardy indoor plants and their leaves will stay a pretty, green color even in low light situations. I love to have these plants in hanging pots or on shelves so their vines can grow wildly. Not only are they pretty to look at, they remove toxins from the air around them. So kind!



Another plant that likes a regular watering schedule and keeping its soil moist during growing season is birds-of-paradise. We keep ours close to a window so it can flourish, but it can handle most lighting situations. These plants like a salt-free diet so I leave the tap water out overnight before watering to help keep them happy.

Plants have a way of making a space more inviting and adding a little happy to your home. Taking care of them can be rewarding when you spot a new leaf or bloom. I hope you found a plant or two on this list that inspires you to add a little more green to your home.

I have attached a few items below of pots, hanging planters and books to help get you started. As always, any purchase you make through my links will help fund our adoption.

Love + Light, Laurie



Weekend in Las Vegas

Weekend in Las Vegas