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Day Trip to Big Sur

Day Trip to Big Sur

Big Sur has been on the top of my bucket list for a long time. I will be honest and say I was a bit disappointed the fog was so heavy it blocked some of the views. But standing here…. there was a magic and melancholy peace that reached my soul.

We were staying in Carmel and had a few hours to check out Big Sur. This stretch of highway along the California coastline is gorgeous with several places to pull over and take in the view. Just know you will not have cellphone/internet service, so it is important to know where you are going… and have good music downloaded to your phone.


This is not the easiest beach to get to. In fact you will probably think you are going the wrong way… but stay the course. At the end of this winding, narrow road is the beautiful Pfeiffer Beach. I am guilty of rushing through experiences because I want to check off all the things a town has to offer…. but I didn’t want to do that this time. I wanted to soak it in. So we spent most of our time here exploring. Luckily we arrived earlier in the day, because the parking was full by the time we left.

We ended our visit by sharing a meal at Nepenthe, a restaurant sitting on a Big Sur cliffside. Most of the seats outside face the water and cliffs. Perfection. With incredible views and an amazing wine list… it is definitely worth your time. Downstairs there is a wonderfully curated gift shop called Phoenix that made my little bohemian heart quite happy.

We will definitely have to make a trip back… hopefully with clearer skies and more time. My main disappointment was Bixby Bridge was under construction and the pull off points were blocked…. then add the fog. Major let down. But we made the best of the time we had and it truly is one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen.

Other fun areas to check out : McWay Falls, Point Lobos, Point Sur Lighthouse

Following the links below are more photos from our day! Be sure to bring a jacket and good shoes… I broke my flip flops. Don’t be like me.


Love + Light, Laurie

RiSE Festival

RiSE Festival

A Stay in Carmel-by-the-Sea

A Stay in Carmel-by-the-Sea